Exercise Design, Conduct, and Evaluation:

Review, test, or revise emergency plans through various types of exercises.

  • Highly organized exercise design process
  • Using Department of Homeland Security target capability evaluating guides
  • Extensive backgrounds in emergency fields
  • Strong relationships with local and state emergency responders
  • All planning and execution in accordance with the Homeland Security and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Hold a workshop to review plans with employees to identify how they would react in a given scenario, a functional exercise in which a particular scenario or portion of the plan is acted out, or a full-scale exercise in which the client and community partners would activate and carry out their full emergency plan.

Discussion Based:

Key stakeholders discussing capabilities and vulnerabilities when considering activation of plans and systems.

Planning meetings to establish baseline objectives

  • Crisis-driven scenarios with discussion building from facilitated questions
  • Reports are generated from captured discussion
  • Key actions to fulfill any gaps or enhance processes
  • Match capabilities to vulnerabilities


A controlled hands-on approach to a scenario of crisis or concern.

  • Objectives developed for specific scenario and operation
  • Simulated activities
  • Responses are acted on in a notional format
  • Real work resources are simulated
  • Reports are generated from the observations of operational procedures
  • A specific and formal evaluation process
  • Full SIMCELL Operations Room to make an exercise more realistic with live injects, phone calls, social media injects, etc.


  • Extend operational activities to the fullest level through real world simulation
  • Scenarios developed with plausible situations
  • Resources are deployed and utilized
  • Tests philosophical and procedural expectations against reality
  • Invaluable when evaluating plans for accuracy and usability
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